Circuits and Secrets

So! State Machine, then!

Ruari and I haven’t really said anything about State Machine since revealing it two weeks ago. Honestly, it’s hard to know where to start. We’ve been working on it for more than a year in secrecy – not talking about has sorta become a habit!

Anyway, I figure it’s best not to overthink it and just jump right in, so here’s some screenshots of a new system we’ve been working on recently – Electricity!

Electricity is cool because it ties a bunch of other systems in the game together. We’ll probably end up keeping it!

In the early part of the game it helps to illustrate how components interact (we used to use matching colours), and lets us make simple puzzles that introduce basic concepts.

In the later game, it turns into something more creatively expressive, as you (hopefully) start wiring things together yourself, and getting your robots to create circuits!

Oh, by the way, this week I’m at GDC! If you’re a journalist and you’re interested in checking the game out, get in touch! More than happy to demo the game for anyone interested while I’m in town!

(Reposted from Terry’s blog.)

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