State Machine

Here’s what I’ve been working on with Terry all this time: our new game State Machine!

Weird games take a while to firm up. This one’s come together after a year of experiments, and now we’re finding the core: it’s a tangled mess of friendship, automation, island building, apocalypse planning and Good Robots!

We’re very proud of the robots.

Our next big step with State Machine will be our stand at EGX Rezzed at the end of March, where you’ll get the first public chance to play our game—alongside 17 other crazy indies in the Leftfield Collection! If you’ll be in the area, please come check us out and say hi.

We’ll share more in the run-up to the show, so check our Twitter or the mailing list on our site to stay 100% posted. 😀

(Reposted from Ruari’s blog.)